
+91-44-2618 3391

+91-98401 15962,86105 46592


The activities are framed based on MDPS and UPANAYAN checklist. The activities includes:

Special Education

Special education is given to children who are lacking age appropriate academic skills, children who are unable to go to normal school, children who are dyslexic, children who have language disorders and children with impaired writing skills


  • Physiotherapy is given to children with cerebral Palsy, Developmental delay, Downs children, PDD and Microcephaly.
  • Special neuro developmental therapy for physically disabled childern.
  • We provide physiotherapy treatment for elders as well.

Occupational therapy

Occupational therapy is given to children with poor concentration, hyperactive, poor social interaction, behavioural problems, lack of social behaviour for appropriate age, sensory problems, and poor eye contact.

Speech therapy

  • Speech therapy is given to children with Delayed speech, tremors and other speech disorders.
  • For those wo ave difficulty in language processing & speach delay solutions Wisdomms provide speech therapy.

Counselling Services

We are providing psychological counselling and psychotherapy for the Children, Parents and family members.

Sensory Integration

Sensory integration, simply put, is the ability to take in information through senses (touch, movement, smell, taste, vision, and hearing), to put it together with prior information, memories, and knowledge stored in the brain, and to make a meaningful response.

The Sensory Integration Unit at WISDOMMS is a well equipped state-of-the-art facility for treating children with sensory integration problems. An Occupational therapist provides therapy to the child on a one-to-one basis as well as in a group. Testing tools required for assessment of hand function, perceptual ability, bilateral integration, vestibular function, praxis and tactile function are available. Measures have been taken to provide stimuli to various senses based on need, like modifying textures of the floor and wall, a controlled lighting arrangement for modified visual input, swings of different shapes and surfaces without a compromise on safety. Other services offered include early identification and early intervention, sensory diet, training programmes for Physio /Occupational therapists.


Simple Yoga techniques are taught to all children in the morning sessions.

Special Equipments

WISDOMMS has its own Orthotics department which fabricates special aids for children with disabilities. These aids are custom-made for each individual. These include: aids for reading, writing, eating, dressing, different seating positions, wheel chairs, different types of walkers, canes, gaiters and simple playground equipments.