
+91-44-2618 3391

+91-98401 15962,86105 46592


We have desire to extend our services more and so we have plans to extend our centre .So many children have already been admitted to kinder garden in normal schools after about 1 – 1 ½ yrs of training in our school. Shortly the centre is likely to start a main stream school by next year, with the due co – operation from the trust and the parents.

  • Strengthen and increase the reach of Services to rural areas
  • Upgrade Research and Development, and Documentation
  • Expand services in disability issues and make them more cost effective and also 'reach effective'
  • Increase WISDOMMS linkages and partners in operations
  • Work towards expansion of multisectorial linkages with the objective of reaching all special children in the state and in the whole country
  • Advocate the inclusion of all children with disabilities in regular Education systems
  • Support and strengthen active Self Help and Parents groups
  • Infrastructure development – expansion of the centre, and a Vocational training centre.