The evaluation of the child is done based on previous knowledge of the child, observations of the child from the home, pre-school and school environment. Our assessment of the child includes 5 components: Educational, psychological, Behavioural, Medical and social.
- The educational assessment evaluates the child's chances of achieving the standard secondary school learning goals. This assessment also evaluates what the pre-school, pre-school class or school have done to adapt their teaching to the needs of the child and what results have been achieved
- The psychological assessment provides insight into the child's intellectual capacity.
- The medical assessment documents possible medical reasons for the child's difficulties and their implications for the child's further development.
- The social assessment is intended as a supplement to the other three. Sometimes there may be reasons outside school, such as the home environment, which might affect the child's ability to learn and cope with school.
During the course of the assessment, parents are given a chance to voice their opinions. Parents and their children are the most important source of information in the assessment. They are given a clear picture of what admission to special school might mean for the child, especially in the long term.
The assessment forms the basis of an overall evaluation which will be made by the multidisciplinary team with the Principal. If the child is deemed to have a need for and right to a special school place, this will be granted. The Head teacher subsequently decides which class the child should join.
The therapeutic and academic training programs are planned and implemented at the centre by a team of qualified professionals. Educational training focuses on ADL, functional academics and psychomotor skills. It also aims to promote the aesthetic sense and inculcate recreation habits in children.